Game Engine 2D Platformer
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CComponentThe interface class for different components to inherit
 CAIComponentAIComponent class used to add movement to a NPC game entity
 CAIGraphicsComponentGraphicsComponent class used to flip through frames for a GameEntity
 CAIPhysicsComponentPhysicsComponent class used manage a GameEntity's movement
 CGraphicsComponentGraphicsComponent class used to flip through frames for a GameEntity
 CInputComponentInputComponent class used to change velocity due to keyboard input
 CLifeDisplayComponentLifeDisplayComponent class used to show character's HP
 CPhysicsComponentPhysicsComponent class used manage a GameEntity's movement
 CScoreDisplayComponentScoreDisplayComponent class used to show a GameEntity's score
 CSoundComponentSoundComponent class used to manage sound effects for GameEntity
 CTileComponentTileComponent class used to make tiles
 CEngineThis class sets up the main game engine
 CEntityManagerEntityManager class that stores all entities within the game
 CGameEntityRepresents an interactable entity in the game that includes Main Character, NPC, Tiles , and etc
 CGraphicsEngineRendererThis class serves as an interface to the main graphics renderer for our engine
 CResourceManagerThe resource manager is responsible for handling and managing resources regarding the game
 CTileMapTileMap class is used to create and generate a map